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Created on By detoximinddev



1 / 19

7.Which of following methods are used in database migrations classes?

2 / 19

8.How to create a controller in laravel by cmd?

3 / 19

9.Who developed Laravel?

4 / 19

 10.How to set a session data in Laravel?

5 / 19

20.What is the minimum PHP version required to install Laravel 5.3?

6 / 19

 11.__() in laravel used for

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12. What is the HTTP Status Code for your website. When it is down for maintenance.

8 / 19

13.Interpolation of variable in laravel done using

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14.Which directory contain “robot.txt” file ?

10 / 19

15. For what do the .env is used?

11 / 19

17. Which method returns the average value of a given key ?

12 / 19

18. Bootstrap directory in Laravel is used to

13 / 19

19.Which artisan command is used to remove the compiled class file.

14 / 19

1.Which of following methods are used in database migrations classes?

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2. Which of following command is used to create a symbolic link from "public/storage" directory to "storage/app/public".

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3.View files in Laravel end in

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 4.Where is the routing file located in Laravel ?

18 / 19

5.The vendor directory contains

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6.Which method breaks the collection into multiple, smaller collections of a given size

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